The Medical City South Luzon ENT-Head and Neck Center provides comprehensive services for the screening, diagnosis, treatment and management of ear, nose and throat conditions using the latest tools and technology.
These services are delivered by a team of highly trained ENT and head and neck surgeons who ensure superior quality of care, patient safety and improved quality of life.

The Medical City South Luzon ENT Center is located on the 2nd Floor.
Click the map for more information
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (049)303 3000
MOBILE NUMBER: +6392 7775 0734
EMAIL ADDRESS: tmcsl-ent@themedicalcity.com
Our Services

ENT-Head and Neck Center’s Screening and Diagnostic Services
- Ear and Hearing Problems
- Examination with the
use of microscope - Hearing Tests (ie. Pure
Tone Audiometry, Speech
Test, Tympanometry,
Newborn Otoscoustic
Emission Test)
- Examination with the
- Voice, Sleep, and Breathing Disorders
- Swallowing Disorders
- Nose and Sinus Disorders
- Throat and Oral Cavity
Disorders- Nasal Endoscopy
- Nasopharyngolaryn
goscopy - Laryngovideo stro
boscopy - Swallow Test
- Sleep Study
- Thyroid, Salivary Gland, and Neck Tumors
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy
- Smell Disorders
- Smell Test
- ENT Allergies
- Skin Prick Test
- Serum Specific IGE-Test

ENT-Head and Neck Center Therapeutic Services
- Smell Training
- Hearing Aid Counselling and Fitting
- Avoidance and Prevention Counselling
Patient Testimonials
Janice Doria-Esteban
The admitting process prior to my surgery only took 15 minutes including preparation of documents, coordination, and endorsement with my HMO. CJ from admission was very helpful and thorough and I was accompanied right away and directly to my room soon after. The room could use some updating though. While the nurses, dietician, doctors do check up on the patient regularly and the OR was clean, well maintained and equipped. Overall, I had a very good experience at TMCSL and I would recommend them to colleagues and friends in the area.
Irene Pecho
I am a regular patient here in TMC- South Luzon. I was operated, confined several times here in TMC. I know it sounds awful but looking at the bright side, I have met couple of people who helped me in so many ways. I would like to send my gratitude and commend Dr. Espiritu for her excellent work!
Thank you for your reliable care since the pandemic started. You’ve been a great help to me and my family! The guidance you have given since the very start of this pandemic is very much appreciated. I am grateful to meet you, a very reliable and caring Doctor.
I appreciate your help with my inquiries. Thank you for answering all my questions as if I had a free online consultation. More information helps me feel better about the medication that is prescribed and why I need to take it. I also enjoy your easy-going manner!
Kudos and have a wonderful day!