The Medical City South Luzon

the medical city south luzon


Blood bank and transfusion services

The Medical City (TMC) South Luzon Blood Bank and Transfusion Services (BBTS) provides blood bank procedures and blood products that are consistent, safe, and high-quality. These are collected through the commitment and sustained public support by TMC South Luzon’s highly trained medical technologists and laboratory personnel in accordance with the Department of Health’s acceptable standards.

TMC South Luzon BBTS also conducts Mobile Blood Donation with its corporate partners and the general public to ensure continuous supply of safe blood products for the needs of its patient partners and neighboring communities.

Apheresis at TMC South Luzon – The First in Laguna
Apheresis technique in blood donation uses a machine to filter the needed cellular components which will go to the blood bag while other components that are not needed will be directed back to the blood donor.

Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) removes plasma components (such as harmful antibodies/pathogenic plasma substances) from whole blood by using an apheresis machine – will extract the patient’s plasma and return RBCs and platelets. It can remove harmful antibodies/pathogenic plasma substances more rapidly than the body produces it.

Platelet apheresis from a single donor, is equivalent to 6-8 bags of platelet concentrates (from 6-8 random donors). Usually indicated for patients with low platelet count, a single bag of platelet apheresis has an immediate effect of 30 000- 60 000 increase in platelet count to a patient. A platelet apheresis donor can donate every after 14 days.


The Medical City South Luzon Blood Bank and Transfusion Services Laboratory are located on the 2nd Floor.
Click the map for more information


TELEPHONE NUMBER: (049)303 3000
MOBILE NUMBER: +6392 9312 8066

Our Services

Blood typing

  • Outpatient: After 2 hours
  • Bring charge slip
    Price:  800


  • Outpatient: After 2 hours
  • Bring charge slip and
    doctor’s request
    Price: Php 6,097.95

Coomb’s test (DAT & IAT)

  • Bring charge slip and
    doctor’s request

    Price: Php 1,000

1st and 5th Hour Post Urine Analysis (For BLOOD TRANSFUSION Reaction)

  • Bring charge slip and doctor’s request

    Price: Php 700

Blood units

  • packed red blood cells
    Price: Php 1,500
  • Fresh whole blood
    Price: Php 1,800
  • Platelet concentrate
    Price: Php 1,000
  • Fresh frozen plasma
    Price: Php 1,000
  • Bring original blood
    request form from


  • Platelet Apheresis
    Price: Php 15,000
  • Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE)
    Price: Php 18,000

What you need to know before

donating blood

Persons Qualified to Donate Blood

  • Age – 18-65 years old (16 and 17 may donate provided with parental consent)
  • Weight – 50kgs. or 110 lbs
  • Hemoglobin level must be at least 125g/l (not Anemic)
  • Blood Pressure must be between
      • Systolic: 90 – 160 mmHg
      • Diastolic: 60 – 100 mmHg
      • Pulse rate: 50 to 100 beats/min

Benefits of Donating Blood

Your bone marrow will be stimulated to produce new and active cells, which in turn make the blood forming organs function more effectively.
You will get a personal health check-up.
  • blood type
  • blood pressure
  • physical examination by the physician
Boosts Self Worth
  • Experience the real act of sharing
  • Making a difference to the community
Safe Blood supply
Adequacy of blood

Steps in Donating Blood

  1. Have your weight taken.
  2. Register and honestly complete the donor registration form
  3. Have your blood type and Hemoglobin checked.
  4. A physician will conduct a blood donor examination
  5. Actual donation — the amount of blood to be donated will be 450cc. It usually takes 10 minutes or less.

Patient Testimonials