Surgery and delivery suite
The Surgery and Delivery Suite is a specialized unit in The Medical City (TMC) South Luzon that provides surgical treatment procedures for patients and care for mothers undergoing labor and delivery. It is manned by competent surgeons, OB-Gyns, anesthesiologists, nurses, technicians, nursing assistants and clerks.
TMC South Luzon Surgery and Delivery Suite is located at the 3rd level of the hospital with 4 Operating Theaters, 2 Birthing Rooms, Recovery room and Endoscopy room. The department caters to different surgical cases ranging from Minor to Major procedures across different medical specialties.

The Medical City South Luzon Surgery and Delivery Suite is located on the 3rd Floor.
Click the map for more information
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (049)303 3000
MOBILE NUMBER: +6399 9173 4500
EMAIL ADDRESS: tmcsl-sds@themedicalcity.com
Our Services

Laparoscopic Surgeries

Heart Surgeries

Plastic Surgeries

Eye Surgeries

ENT Surgeries

Neuro Surgeries

OB-Gyne procedures and Surgeries
Patient Testimonials
Janice Doria-Esteban
Irene Pecho